Urban Dynamics’ 2020 Charitable Contributions

July 23, 2021 Written by Andrea Wilson
A woman with her hands held out with coins in her hands and a note that reads "make a change."

Sustainability is a core principle at Urban Dynamics, directing our efforts to improve communities at home and across the globe.

With projects at home using environmentally suitable building practices and providing long-term housing options for the aging members of the community, Urban Dynamics directly aims to improve the communities within central Appalachia and provide lasting solutions to population and development struggles.

While these local efforts may be the most direct examples of our commitment to sustainability, Urban Dynamics also prides itself on charitable and environmental efforts across the globe to combat climate change and protect vulnerable populations.

The following examples detail the contributions Urban Dynamics has made this past year in our goal to expand our sustainability impact.

Tradewater Logo

Tradewater is an environmental group seeking to combat climate change by collecting and disposing of dangerous greenhouse gasses.

A total of 4,900,000 tons of CO2e have been destroyed so far, making Urban Dynamics proud to donate to this group creating lasting environmental change.

Sunrise Movement Logo

The Sunrise Movement is a youth movement centered on making climate change a priority.

The organizatioin is fighting for a Green New Deal that provides good jobs to those in need while simultaneously supporting environmental efforts. Urban Dynamics supports this growing movement and the inspiring activism of today’s youth.

The Clean Air Task Force Logo

The Clean Air Task Force is a technology forward environmental group with the goal of advancing technology and policy to create practical climate change solutions.

Their efforts include carbon capture, advanced energy systems, reduction of super pollutants and practical use of bioenergy. Urban Dynamics is inspired by this technology based movement and is happy to donate to the cause.

Climeworks Logo

Climeworks focuses on removing carbon from the air with direct air capture technology.

This group has 14 direct air capture facilities across the globe, and each donation facilitates the direct removal of carbon. There have been over 6,700 donations from 57 countries and Urban Dynamics is proud to be one of them. Our donation equated to the removal of 2.5 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere, an effort we hope to continue.

Oxfam Logo

Oxfam is a global social organization working to end poverty through community involvement, advocacy and grants.

With efforts in over 90 countries, Oxfam has the power to enact widespread change by providing aid to countries after disasters, assisting refugees and providing aid to local organizations to facilitate lasting change. We at Urban Dynamics support protecting vulnerable populations across the globe by donating to organizations like this.

Save the Children Logo

Save the Children is a humanitarian group with the specific goal of helping and protecting children around the globe.

Their organization provides medical and nutritional aid, assists children in obtaining an education, and protects at-risk children from the dangers of child trafficking. Working to promote child health and safety is a project Urban Dynamic stands behind and is proud to donate to.

Tennessee Valley Coalition for the Homeless Logo

Tennessee Valley Coalition for the Homeless is a local organization seeking to end homelessness in the region by providing housing, social programs, and community support.

Their vision is to create a region where homelessnes is rare and lasts less than 30 days. This group also provides both day and night time facilities for the homeless to come and experience a safe space. Creating lasting community solutions is a core belief at Urban Dynamics and a cause we strongly support.

Greeneville-Greene County Community Ministries Logo

Greeneville-Greene County Community Ministries is a community outreach program seeking to aid those in need and during emergency situations.

The organization provides food, shelter, medical, and utility assistance. Urban Dynamics wants to foster strong community ties and show an active interest in our region. Supporting this at-home organization gives back to our community in a meaningful way, and shows our support for those closest to us.

This year we donated to many deserving and inspiring organizations. These groups make a difference around the world in a way that Urban Dynamics hopes to emulate. Through sustainable practices and projects to help vulnerable populations, Urban Dynamics mirrors these groups and hopes to make a difference at all levels from local to global. While we are starting small, our donations to these groups broaden our impact and as we grow, so too will our support and contributions to these groups and those like them.

About the Author

Andrea Wilson is a writer and editor who specializes in business and developmental editing. Prior to this she worked in the equine industry while also substitute teaching in the local Greene County Schools. Andrea has her BA in English from King University and is currently pursuing her MAT at Grand Canyon University.

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